1 February 2022 - Due date for Corporation Tax payable for the year ended 30 April 2021. 19 February 2022 - PAYE and NIC deductions due for month ended 5 February 2022 (If you pay your tax electronically the due date is 22 February 2022).…
Day: 7 February 2022
Beware overtrading
If politicians have it right, we may be approaching the end of the major disruption to economic activity of the past two years. Which is great news for those trades badly affected by continuing lockdown and other restrictions. Unfortunately, rapid growth following a long period…
Still time to consider tax planning options for 2021-22
With rare exceptions, once the end of the tax year has passed, tax planning options to reduce liability are no longer possible. For Income Tax and Capital Gains Tax purposes, this means that the majority of the tax reduction options will cease unless actioned before…
Self-isolation for those with COVID-19
Since Monday 17 January, people with COVID-19 in England can end their self-isolation after 5 full days, as long as they test negative on day 5 and day 6. The decision has been made after careful consideration of modelling from the UK Health Security Agency…